Riding Lessons & Equine Body Work
“The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom.” -Sharon Ralls Lemon

Riding Lessons
For all ages, learn basic riding skills, grooming and tacking, and semi-private lessons.

Equine Body Work
Use of tuning fork, liniment, essential oils, depending on the horse’s needs.
"My two young daughters have been taking horse lessons from Samantha from a very young age. She is an incredible and technically wonderful teacher! Not only has she helped foster a love of horses in my girls, but the gentle way she's taught them about horse grooming and care has encouraged responsibility in them. Learning to maneuver and otherwise control and work with a huge animal really does something for the self confidence and assuredness in young kids. My 4 year old just said "she is so nice and helps me ride horses!" I can't recommend Samantha more highly. We've referred many friends to her and they've all fallen in love as we have.Samantha's experience and abilities go WAY beyond lessons for young kids, which is why we feel like we struck gold when we found her in Lakeside!" --Megan D
"When Katelyn first began working with Samantha, sessions would be interrupted by meltdowns and redirections.
Working through the program Katelyn has learned patience and self regulation to avoid a meltdown allowing her to enjoy and participate in her sessions. The program has helped build self confidence through learning how to care for the horses and leading them through obstacle courses. She has learned to trust the horses and that the horses trust her.
To see Katelyn’s development from session to session has been unbelievable. To see her complete a session meltdown free and being able to self regulate her responses when overstimulated is something I wasn’t sure I would ever see.
Samantha also incorporates things such as language skills, requiring Katelyn to use a complete sentence when asking for something and asking for help when feeling frustrated.
Not only do I see improvement during her sessions but in every day life. Outside of her sessions, Katelyn will put into practice what she has learned with Samantha when feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed."--Jeri K
"My son has been riding with Samantha for two and a half years now. He got the riding ‘bug’ when he was two and a half and it was practically impossible to find a teacher that could teach kids that young. Luckily, we found Samantha. She is phenomenal! Not only is she patient and has a lovely calm demeanor, she is also very dedicated. She works with my son on horseback riding, but also on colors and letters and numbers. She is able to make the lessons interesting and interactive and my son looks forward to these lessons every single week.
I can’t recommend Samantha enough, and you’d be lucky to have your child (or yourself) be instructed by her!"--Nili K
“Samantha, thank you so much for knowing what Sol needs during his lesson time. You’re a real asset to the ranch. The future is all yours to do well with while others benefit from your empathy and knowledge. I always ask Sol ‘what was your favorite part about riding today?’ He said ‘the feet.’ I said you always use your feet during lessons. He said “no, cleaning the horses feet.’” --Deb
“I learned how to face my fears, challenges, and how to handle obstacles in the saddle riding this horse! I took charge and never looked back. Confidence was instilled in me the day I started taking lessons with Samantha.” --Haley C.
“Thanks for your help in making John Peter a confident rider. He was pushing cattle by himself today! When he performs well on the trail I have you to thank. He told me riding horses is his favorite hobby” --Pete
“We had our first practice for Night Of The Horse. Ocho was awesome! I used my tools we’ve been practicing and he was amazing. Thank you for all your help and guidance!” --Marty
"Her sessions with you were far beyond everything else in her enjoyment and her progress. She became a new kiddo on a horse. We can’t thank you enough for all you’ve poured into her. You really are amazing at what you do." -- Ashley Lee